Auto Transport Services to Germantown | 800-930-7417

We have Been in the Auto Transport Business Since 1999 and are accredited with an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau!

Use our auto transport calculator to find out. You will see your auto shipping quote in less then 30 seconds with our price calculator, and find out when your vehicle can be picked up.

We strive to provide the lowest possible price to move your vehicle within a reasonable amount of time. Our pricing experts consider not only supply and demand and diesel fuel rates, but also provide special discounts for popular transport routes and seasonal backhaul routes.


Auto Transport Services to Germantown, MD

Auto Transport Services to GermantownGermantown is a census-designated place – not an incorporated city – located in Montgomery County, in the U.S. state of Maryland.

Despite not being an incorporated city, the Germantown CDP is home to over 90,600 residents, making it the third-most populated area in the state, after the city of Baltimore and the Columbia, MD census-designated place. Germantown is an important part of the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Statistical Area, at least economically, and is located only 25 miles outside of the nation’s capital.

It is a densely-populated part of the Washington metro area as well, which makes it a more popular vehicle shipping location in the state, and auto transport services to Germantown are often grouped in with shipments to the capital as a result.

Though the area was not settled until the early 19th century, growth was initially slow, and like many cities in the area was originally a farming and agricultural community until the Industrial Revolution began taking the country by storm.

During the Civil War the area was a staging ground for Union troops and often the victim of raids by Confederate soldiers, which were sporadic until late 1864. After the war Germantown began to come into its own; by the 20th century it had developed into a fairly large commercial center.

Today, Germantown is a major part of the Washington metro area, at least economically, and is home to several major retail centers and numerous shops. Tourism is on the rise, as is its population, which makes auto transport services to Germantown easier to find and also more affordable for many customers.

Germantown sits just a bit north of Washington, D.C., right along I-270. I-270 is an auxiliary interstate of Interstate 70, a major east-west interstate that services upper Maryland.

Because I-270 connects the D.C. metro area with I-70, it’s a lot easier for auto transporters to get from one part of the region to another, notably within the Baltimore and Washington, D.C. metro areas. This is good news for you because it usually results in faster pickup, transit and delivery windows while your vehicle is being shipped.

Easier access to places also tends to result in lower prices, especially if those areas are heavy on the customer front. As one of the most popular auto shipping locations in Maryland, auto transport services to Germantown should be easier to find and cost-effective regardless of where you’re shipping from.

If you’re interested in auto transport services to Germantown, Maryland, or for shipping services out of the city, you can get a free quote to ship your vehicle via our online quote request form. We work with only top-rated carriers who we make sure are fully licensed and insured. If you have questions, would like a quote over the phone, or are ready to ship your vehicle, call us at 800-930-7417 to speak to one of our representatives.

Dave Armstrong
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